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摘要 六、践踏国际规则造成人道灾难VI. Trampling on International Rules Results in Humanitarian Disasters 在抗疫需要全

六、践踏国际规则造成人道灾难 VI. Trampling on International Rules Results in Humanitarian Disasters 在抗疫需要全球团结的时刻,美国却执意奉行本国优先,推行孤立主义、单边主义,挥舞制裁大棒,霸凌威胁国际机构,残酷对待寻求庇护者,成为全球安全与稳定的最大麻烦制造者。 At a time when global unity is needed to fight the pandemic, the United States, however, persists in pursuing an agenda of “America first,” isolationism, and unilateralism, imposing sanctions wantonly, bullying and threatening international organizations, and treating asylum seekers cruelly, thus becoming the biggest troublemaker to global security and stability. 悍然退出世界卫生组织。美国特朗普政府为推卸自身抗疫不力的责任,挖空心思罗织各种不实指责,极力将世界卫生组织打造成“替罪羊”。2020年4月14日,美国政府宣布暂停向世界卫生组织缴纳会费,遭到国际社会一致谴责。联合国秘书长古特雷斯4月14日发表声明称,全球正在抗击新冠肺炎疫情,削减世卫组织或任何其他人道主义组织所需资金不合时宜。美国医学会主席帕特里斯·哈里斯4月15日发表声明说,美国在这一关键时刻暂停向世卫组织提供资金支持,是在错误方向上迈出的危险一步。英国《卫报》网站4月15日发表评论称,在世界迫切需要共同战胜这场全球从未经历过的威胁时,美国政府停缴世卫组织会费是一种缺乏道德和破坏国际秩序的行为,是“对全球团结的骇人背叛”。2020年7月,美国政府不顾国际社会反对,悍然宣布退出世界卫生组织。 The United States withdrew from WHO. In order to shirk its responsibility for its disastrous anti-pandemic measures, the Trump administration tried every means to scapegoat the World Health Organization (WHO) by fabricating false charges against the organization. On April 14, 2020, the U.S. government announced its suspension of paying dues to the WHO, which was widely criticized by the international community. UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres issued a statement on April 14, 2020, saying that when the world was fighting the COVID-19 pandemic, it was inappropriate to reduce the resources required by the WHO or any other humanitarian organization for operations. President of the American Medical Association, Patrice Harris, stated on April 15, 2020 that combating the pandemic required international cooperation and halting funding to the WHO at this critical moment was a dangerous step in the wrong direction. On April 15, 2020, an online article of the Guardian commented that when the world desperately needed to jointly overcome this threat that the world had never experienced before, the suspension of the WHO dues by the U.S. government was an act that lacked morality and disrupted the international order, and was a horrible betrayal to global solidarity. In July 2020, the U.S. government brazenly announced its withdrawal from the WHO despite the opposition of the international community. 背信弃义退出《巴黎协定》。美国是全球累积排放温室气体最多的国家,按照共同但有区别的责任原则,本应承担最大的减排责任,却肆意妄为大开历史倒车,于2020年11月4日正式退出《巴黎协定》,是近200个缔约方中唯一一个退出该协定的国家。国际社会普遍认为,美国此举在政治上是短视的,在科学上是错误的,在道德上是不负责任的。联合国全球变暖科学报告的作者之一、康奈尔大学气候科学家娜塔莉·马霍瓦尔德指出:“美国退出《巴黎协定》将会削弱全球减排努力,从而使更多的人因气候变化陷入生死存亡的险境。”(注21) The United States walked away from its commitments to and withdrew from the Paris Agreement. The United States, as the largest cumulative emitter of greenhouse gases in the world, should bear the greatest share of emission reduction based on the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities. However, the United States ran counter to the trend of the times and officially withdrew from the Paris Agreement on Nov. 4, 2020, becoming the only country among the nearly 200 contracting parties to quit the treaty. The international community generally believed that the U.S. move was politically short-sighted, unscientific, and morally irresponsible. “Having the U.S. pull out of Paris is likely to reduce efforts to mitigate, and therefore increase the number of people who are put into a life-or-death situation because of the impacts of climate change,” said Cornell University climate scientist Natalie Mahowald, a coauthor of UN science reports on global warming. 霸凌行径威胁国际机构。2020年6月11日,美国政府对国际刑事法院的工作人员及其家属实施经济制裁和入境限制,只因他们坚持调查美国军队和情报官员在阿富汗和其他地方可能犯下的战争罪。联合国新闻网站2020年6月25日刊文称,美国此举是对国际法和国际道义的“直接攻击”。联合国人权理事会2020年6月19日通过决议,强烈谴责美国非洲裔男子乔治·弗洛伊德遭警察暴力执法致死事件。法新社援引人权组织的话称,因美国“强力游说”施压,决议最终版删除了点名美国种族问题和警察暴力的内容,未启动对美国进行更深入的调查。美国公民自由联盟批评称,美国通过霸凌其他国家,使决议内容大打折扣,并且再次逃脱国际调查,又一次站在了非洲裔和警察暴力受害者的对立面。 Bullying actions threatened international organizations. On June 11, 2020, the U.S. government authorized economic sanctions and travel restrictions against workers of the International Criminal Court (ICC) and their family members for investigating American troops and intelligence officials for possible war crimes in Afghanistan and elsewhere. The U.S. sanctions targeting ICC staff were “a direct attack on the institution’s judicial independence,” according to an article on the website of UN NEWS on June 25, 2020. On June 19, 2020, the United Nations Human Rights Council adopted a resolution strongly condemning police brutality that led to the death of African American George Floyd. Citing remarks from human rights groups, the AFP said that the final version of the resolution removed the call for further investigations and stripped away any mention of the racism and police brutality in the United States due to “hard lobbying.” By bullying other countries, the United States watered down the text of the resolution, escaped from international probes for another time, and ran counter to the African descent in the United States and victims of police violence, said the American Civil Liberties Union. 单边制裁加重人道危机。在疫情全球蔓延、关乎人类生命与健康福祉的重要时刻,各国应团结协作以应对疫情,维护全球公共卫生安全。美国政府却在疫情期间依然对伊朗、古巴、委内瑞拉、叙利亚等国实施单边制裁,导致被制裁国家难以及时获得抗击疫情需要的医疗物资。联合国人权事务高级专员米歇尔·巴切莱特2020年3月24日表示,制裁会阻碍抗疫医疗合作,给所有人增加风险;无论是出于维护全球公共卫生安全,还是为了维护被制裁国家数百万人的权利和生活,都应放松或暂停特殊领域的制裁。英国《卫报》网站2020年4月6日报道,来自多个国家的24名高级外交官联合敦促美国政府放宽对伊朗的医疗和人道主义制裁,称此举“有可能挽救数十万普通伊朗人的生命”。联合国人权专家2020年4月30日称,美国对古巴的封锁和对其他国家的制裁严重破坏了遏制疫情和拯救生命的国际合作,呼吁美国执行联合国决议,解除对古巴的经济和金融封锁,不再阻碍古巴融资购买药品、医疗设备、食品和其他必需品。(注22)联合国极端贫困与人权问题特别报告员、安全饮用水和卫生问题特别报告员、教育权问题特别报告员2020年5月6日发表联合声明,指出美国对委内瑞拉的制裁正对该国民众的人权产生严重影响,敦促美国在疫情肆虐情形下立即解除加剧该国民众苦难的制裁。联合国人权问题特别报告员阿莱娜·多汉2020年12月29日呼吁美国取消对叙利亚的单方面制裁,称在新冠肺炎疫情肆虐的背景下,制裁将加剧叙利亚本已严峻的人道主义危机,威胁到叙利亚全体民众的生命权、健康权和发展权。 Unilateral sanctions aggravated humanitarian crisis. At a critical time when COVID-19 spread globally and endangered human life, health, and wellbeing, all countries should work together to respond to the pandemic and maintain global public health security. However, during this pandemic, the U.S. government still imposed unilateral sanctions on countries such as Iran, Cuba, Venezuela, and Syria, which made it difficult for the sanctioned countries to obtain needed anti-pandemic medical supplies in a timely manner. United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet said on March 24, 2020, that in the case of a global pandemic, sanctions would hinder medical work and increase risks for everyone. She argued that to maintain global public health security and protect the rights and lives of millions of people in sanctioned countries, sanctions should be relaxed or suspended in certain sectors. A group of 24 senior diplomats from various countries urged the U.S. government to ease medical and humanitarian sanctions on Iran, noting that such move “could potentially save the lives of hundreds of thousands of ordinary Iranians,” according to a report on the website of the Guardian on April 6, 2020. On April 30, 2020, UN human rights experts said that the U.S. embargo on Cuba and sanctions on other countries seriously undermined international cooperation to curb the pandemic and save lives. The experts called on the United States to implement UN resolutions, lift its economic and financial embargo on Cuba and withdraw measures that prevent Cuba from financing the purchase of medicine, medical equipment, food and other essential goods. The United Nations Special Rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights, the Special Rapporteur on human rights for safe drinking water and sanitation, and the Special Rapporteur on the right to education issued a joint statement on May 6, 2020, saying that the U.S. sanctions on Venezuela were seriously harming the human rights of the people in the country. They urged the United States to immediately lift sanctions that exacerbated the suffering of the people when the pandemic raged in the country. On Dec. 29, 2020, Alena Douhan, United Nations Special Rapporteur on human rights, called on the United States to remove unilateral sanctions against Syria, noting that the sanctions would exacerbate the already dire humanitarian crisis in Syria and run roughshod over the Syrian people’s rights to live, health, and development. 残酷对待寻求庇护者。美国有线电视新闻网2020年9月30日报道,2020财年共有21人在美国移民拘留所中死亡,是2019财年死亡人数的2倍多,创2005年以来死亡人数最高值。《洛杉矶时报》网站2020年10月30日报道,大量移民儿童长期被羁押。数据显示,近几年被美国政府拘留的266000名移民儿童中,有25000多人被拘留超过100天,近1000人在难民收容所中度过了一年多时间,多人被拘留超过5年。根据多家美国媒体报道,数十名来自拉美和加勒比海国家的女性移民向美国佐治亚州法院提起集体诉讼,指控美国移民和海关执法局拘留中心的医生在没有征得她们同意的情况下,为她们进行了不必要的妇科手术,甚至强行摘除子宫,对其身心健康造成严重损害。英国《卫报》网站2020年10月22日报道,美国移民官员对来美寻求庇护的喀麦隆公民实施威胁,迫使他们在驱逐令上签字,拒绝签字者遭受锁喉、殴打、喷胡椒水等暴力,被戴上手铐强行在驱逐令上按下指纹,从而失去了获得移民听证的权利遭驱逐出境。 Asylum seekers were treated cruelly. According to a report of CNN on Sept. 30, 2020, in the 2020 fiscal year, 21 people died in Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) custody, which was more than double the number of deaths in the fiscal year 2019 and marked the highest annual death toll since 2005. A report published on the website of the Los Angeles Times on Oct. 30, 2020 noted that a huge number of migrant children were stranded in custody for the long haul. Data showed that of the 266,000 migrant children held in government custody in recent years, over 25,000 had been detained for longer than 100 days, close to 1,000 migrant children had spent more than a year in refugee shelters, and some of them had spent more than five years in custody. As reported by multiple U.S. media outlets, dozens of women from Latin American and Caribbean states have filed a class action lawsuit in federal court in Georgia, claiming that they were subjected to unnecessary gynecological surgeries without their consent while in ICE custody, including uterus removal in some cases. They said these unwanted surgeries caused severe harm to their physical and mental health. The Guardian website reported on Oct. 22, 2020 that Cameroonian asylum seekers were threatened and forced to sign their own deportation orders. Those who refused to sign were choked, beaten, and pepper-sprayed, with some put in handcuffs to have their fingerprints forcibly taken in place of a signature on orders of removal, by which the asylum seekers waive their rights to further immigration hearings and accept deportation. 疫情期间继续强制遣返移民。根据美国移民及海关执法局的统计数据,截至2021年1月14日,美国移民拘留机构中共有8848人确诊感染新冠肺炎病毒。(注23)《洛杉矶时报》网站2020年11月18日报道,2020年3月以来,美国政府不顾疫情传播风险,将至少8800名无人陪伴的非法移民儿童强制驱逐出境。联合国儿童基金会称,被美国强制遣返的墨西哥和中美洲的移民儿童正面临危险和歧视。 Forced deportation of immigrant children continued during the COVID-19 pandemic. According to data tallied by the ICE, as of Jan. 14, 2021, a total of 8,848 detainees had been confirmed as COVID-19 cases. According to a report on the website of the Los Angeles Times on Nov. 18, 2020, the U.S. government had expelled at least 8,800 unaccompanied immigrant children despite serious protection risks during the COVID-19 outbreak. According to UNICEF, migrant children who returned from the United States to Mexico and Central America were facing danger and discrimination. 赦免屠杀他国平民的战争罪犯。2020年12月30日,联合国人权理事会雇佣军问题工作组发表声明,表示时任美国总统赦免在伊拉克犯下战争罪的4名黑水公司雇员违反了美国承担的国际法义务,呼吁《日内瓦公约》所有缔约国共同谴责美国这一行径。声明表示,这4名黑水公司雇员2007年在伊拉克巴格达尼苏尔广场实施屠杀,造成14名手无寸铁的平民死亡,至少17人受伤。工作组主席指出,美国赦免黑水公司雇员的行为对国际人道主义法和人权造成冲击,是对正义和受害者及其家人的侮辱。联合国人权高专办发言人乌尔塔多表示,美国此举会“加剧有罪不罚”,助长他人犯罪。 The United States pardoned criminals slaughtering civilians in other countries. On Dec. 30, 2020, the Working Group on the use of mercenaries, a mechanism of the United Nations Human Rights Council, issued a statement, saying that the then U.S. President’s pardon of four Blackwater contractors convicted of war crimes in Iraq violated U.S. obligations under international law. The statement called on all states to the Geneva Conventions to condemn the U.S. action. The four Blackwater contractors were found to have committed a massacre at Nisour Square in Baghdad in 2007, which left 14 unarmed civilians dead and at least 17 people wounded, according to the statement. Pardoning the Blackwater contractors was an affront to justice and the victims of the Nisour Square massacre and their families, said the Chair of the Working Group. Pardoning them “contributes to impunity and has the effect of emboldening others to commit such crimes in the future,” said Marta Hurtado, a spokesperson with the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights. (注1)《纽约时报》网站(https://www.nytimes.com),2020年10月23日。 (注2)《纽约时报》网站(https://www.nytimes.com),2020年12月18日。 (注3)《纽约时报》网站(https://www.nytimes.com),2020年5月20日。 (注4)沃克斯新闻网(https://www.vox.com),2020年8月11日。 (注5)美国广播公司网站(https://abcnews.go.com),2020年6月28日。 (注6)《今日美国报》网站(https://www.usatoday.com),2020年11月28日。 (注7)美国全国广播公司网站(https://www.nbcnews.com),2020年10月21日。 (注8)《华盛顿时报》网站(https://www.washingtontimes.com),2020年10月12日。 (注9)纽约大学布伦南司法中心网站(https://www.brennancenter.org),2020年11月20日。 (注10)《洛杉矶时报》网站(https://www.latimes.com),2020年8月7日。 (注11)《今日美国报》网站(https://www.usatoday.com),2020年5月8日。 (注12)《今日美国报》网站(https://www.usatoday.com),2020年10月22日。 (注13)美国有线电视新闻网(https://edition.cnn.com),2020年12月18日。 (注14)《纽约时报》网站(https://www.nytimes.com),2020年10月27日。 (注15)《今日美国报》网站(https://www.usatoday.com),2020年5月31日。 (注16)《今日美国报》网站(https://www.usatoday.com),2020年7月16日。 (注17)美国有线电视新闻网(https://edition.cnn.com),2020年12月18日。 (注18)《今日美国报》网站(https://www.usatoday.com),2020年10月21日。 (注19)《纽约时报》网站(https://www.nytimes.com),2020年7月13日。 (注20)《芝加哥论坛报》网站(https://www.chicagotribune.com),2020年7月2日。 (注21)《洛杉矶时报》网站(https://www.latimes.com),2020年11月4日。 (注22)联合国人权高专办网站(https://www.ohchr.org),2020年4月30日。 (注23)美国移民及海关执法局网站(https://www.ice.gov),2021年1月14日。




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